The four universal firearms safety rules

These are the four universal weapons safety rules, and you need to know them inside and out. Memorize and practice them, so they become like second nature.

1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.

This is the most important rule and, if followed, will prevent a negligent discharge. Whenever you touch a firearm, you need to check if it’s loaded and if there is a round in the chamber. Even if this is your personal carry firearm which you’re pretty sure you cleared the last time you handled it. Even if someone hands a firearm at the gun store to look at and they just cleared it in front of you. You always check for yourself. Always.

2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot or destroy.

When you are handling your firearm, always point the muzzle in a safe direction. Don’t swing it around or point it at yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s loaded or not. This habit could save your life. 

3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you’re ready to fire.

You cannot unintentionally pull a trigger that you don’t touch. When handling your firearm, make sure your finger is high and straight on the slide and away from the trigger. 

4. Know your target and what is beyond it.

Ever fired a firearm and missed the target? Yeah, me too. Along with basically every other person who’s shot a gun. This is especially important at outdoor ranges or public and private land where you’re shooting. Bullets can travel really far if they aren’t stopped by something. Make sure you know what is beyond the target.

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