3 reasons you need a range bag

It might be tempting to throw a few things in your purse and head to the range, but that practice can cause issues in the long run.

Here are 3 reasons you need a dedicated range bag:

  1. It makes range days and life easier. When you have a dedicated range bag, you can store your range gear in there all the time. I’m talking accessories like ear and eye protection, a mag loader, etc - not your firearms. On range days, you grab your bag and go. I leave everything in my small purse and throw the whole thing in my range bag. No sorting items or forgetting.

  2. If you’ve ever been to the range, you know live and spent rounds can drop anywhere, including your range bag, without you knowing. If you ever go through security at airports or other places they check your purse, you don’t want to get caught with something you didn’t know was in there. Worst-case scenario is having left a firearm in there, but it’s more likely a live or spent round. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found them and I’m really careful. In some states, it’s a felony to have spent casings on your person!

  3. It’s an excuse to get a new bag or repurpose an old one. Duh! You don’t need to go crazy and spend a lot of money on a range bag, but I will say I’ve not regretted the money we spent on ours. The organizational aspects alone were worth it.

My husband carries a large backpack with our tools, ammo, his ear, and eye pro, extra magazines, targets, and extra pistols we might want to shoot.

I carry a smaller, more feminine backpack with my ear and eye pro, a mag loader, chapstick, lotion, extra hair ties, etc. It’s big enough to carry everything I need for a solo range day, but we almost always shoot together. It also has a zipper slot on the back for a pistol which I don’t use, but it’s nice to have.


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Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty