How to safely carry in a bellyband

Bellybands can be a good option if you’re wearing soft-waisted pants like joggers, leggings, or athletic shorts.

Hard trigger protection is a non-negotiable for me so I only wear a bellyband when I can clip a Kydex holster to it. Luckily, I found a good solution recently.

You’ll need a sturdy bellyband and a holster with a beltless clip like the UltiClip or Discreet Carry Concepts Monoblock. These metal clips will prevent the holster from shifting when you move around or draw.

The holster on the left is the Beltless IWB with DCC Monoblock and on the left it’s the Trigger Guard with UltiClip. Both holsters are from Blacksmith Tactical and you can use the code TEAMBEANS to save 10%.

I like this bellyband because it has a lip to catch the clip so it doesn’t come off when you draw. It also wraps around twice to give more retention as you can see below. I wear it under my pants—just have it outside to show what it looks like.

As with any new method of carry, you’ll need to take some time to test it, wear it around, and practice your draw.

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