But, WHY do you have a gun?

Let’s chat about a question I received today on Instagram:

It’s a good question, and I’m sure everybody has their version of an answer.

In this post, I want to speak to new gun owners or those who are uncomfortable talking about their choices.

First, you don’t owe anyone an answer.

It’s your second amendment right to own a gun, and that’s enough reason for any American.

If the person asking isn’t interested in a conversation or looking to bully you, feel free to say “because it’s my right” and move on.

I’ve learned that some people will never budge on this topic, and that’s cool because neither will I. The point is, those people don’t deserve a conversation.

If the person asking is someone you can have a conversation with, let’s do that. You never know when you’ll inspire someone to (come to the dark side) exercise their second amendment right, and there’s strength in numbers!

The reason I own and carry a gun is to protect life, mine, and others.

We can all agree on that, yes?

And I think that’s common ground with most people. Same reason we lock our doors, wear our seatbelts and don’t play in traffic.

We may not agree on how we protect our lives, but we can agree that it’s essential.


Thoughts on EDC knives


Live with less fear