Are warning shots legal?

Yes, I know your president told you to go on the porch and fire a few shots from your shotgun.

No. Nope. Nope. No.

Besides being illegal in some states, warning shots are incredibly stupid.

I’ve gotten messages from well-meaning women telling me they would just fire a warning shot because they’re not sure they could shoot someone.

I get it. But no.

You’re responsible for every round you fire.

Warning shots could end up injuring or killing an innocent bystander. And firing them at the ground? Ricochet isn’t something I’d take a chance on.

What leaves your firearm must land somewhere.

Also, if you have time to fire a warning shot are you really in imminent fear of great bodily injury or death?

Maybe, but you can bet a good defense attorney will be all over this.

A better defense plan?

Training, education and practice.

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