The best way to find your carry pistol
Your carry pistol preference is very individualized.
Some of it depends on your size — height, build, and hand size. But, most of it depends on your personal preference and experience.
The right carry pistol for me might not be the right one for you.
And, that’s ok!
When women ask me which they should buy, my answer is always the same.
The one that feels best to you. The one you can safely handle and accurately shoot.
The one you can conceal best.
I usually give a list of common options that me and women I know carry.
And then I tell them to get to a local range that rents guns. Spend a few bucks and rent several. Some off my list and others that look interesting.
You really need to feel it, handle it, and shoot it to know.
Buying a gun is an expensive and important decision and this step will likely save you lots of time and money. I hated my first pistol that I bought sight-unseen.
Also, remember that over the years, as you get more experienced your preferences might change and that’s ok too. Mine sure have.
Get what’s best for you right now and keep training!