We don’t have to be victims

Eliza Fletcher didn’t deserve to die. She was exercising and had the right to feel safe.

I’m seeing a lot of posts aimed at bringing awareness to what happened.

While I appreciate the idea, I have to say that awareness only goes so far. It’s not enough unless it’s tied to action.

We need action. 

And the fastest action we can take is to get more women in a place where they can defend themselves.

We are absolutely not to blame AND we don’t have to be victims. Both are true.

And, since we haven’t figured out how to eradicate evil, it’s on us.

Do I hate that it’s on us? Yes. It’s not fair and hate it more than I can say. 

But at the end of the day, I’m not willing to hide behind that hate and hope.

I’m only willing to put the burden of my safety on myself. And to help other women do the same.

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