What is Command Presence?

When it comes to self-defense and concealed carry, have you considered your command presence?

In simple terms, command presence is how you carry yourself.

It's shown in your posture and movements, your eye contact or lack of, and your voice.

Ever see someone and think, "man, I wouldn't dare step to them!" Something about their demeanor tells you they are capable of defending themselves.

That's command presence.

It plays a big part in self-defense because attackers are looking for victims who are easy targets. They look for women who are distracted and don't look like they'll put up a fight.

Some think command presence comes naturally, and to a small degree, it might, but it's something that you can develop.

You can learn to pay attention to your surroundings and move with purpose. It takes some mindset work, but it's not complicated.

Years ago, an elderly man stopped me in Rite Aid and said, "you walk with authority! I like that." Others have told me, "it looks like you're on a mission."

In a nutshell, that's part of my command presence.

It's not about going out and being nasty to people. I don't go to Target and kick toddlers. I stare them down and make sure they know who's boss. Kidding!

When you're out in public, stay aware of your surroundings. Make eye contact with people and see their faces.

Walk with your head high and your shoulders back. Put out the vibe that you're not a victim, and you're capable of defending yourself.

Work on your mindset, and as you become more confident, this will be second nature.

  • Firearm: Glock 43

  • Carry Joggers: Alexo Athletica


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