The Best Guns For Women

I’m going to keep repeating this until it sinks in.

The best gun for a woman is the one she likes and can shoot and manipulate comfortably.

Also, so we’re clear...

The best gun for a man is the one he likes and can shoot and manipulate comfortably.

We can all agree on this, yeah?

It’s cool to tell people which guns you like and why and give them some ideas. In fact, it’s super helpful to newbies to have a place to start.

I love getting messages and talking through choices with potential new gun owners. Keep doing that.

It’s not cool to take a whole class and size of gun and say these are for women.

And if you disagree, let me ask you this.

Do you have a different list of guns you feel are best for Asian folks? How about black people?

Ohhhh no she didn’t!

Yes the f she did because it’s the same thing. Sounds ridiculous when you put it that way, huh?

I say all this with tough love because there are millions of women out there who want to protect themselves and they’re getting bad advice. This is an intimidating world to get into.

We can do better for them.


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